Check Out My Daenerys Targaryen Costume in Qarth!

Here is the link to check out my newest Game of Thones costume! This is Daenerys Targaryen or Khaleesi in Qarth! This is one of several Daenerys’ costumes I am working on from The Game of Thrones season 2!  Just click on the image below!

Check out my latest costume article for Daenerys Targaryen!

Please click here for purchasing info, Queen of the Horselords. This article details everything I did to make this Khaleesi costume! The Game of Thrones is a great TV series as well as a great book series! I hope you enjoy the article! Please click on the photo below to go to the article!

Gen Con 2010 – Michael’s Blog

So man, was gen Con fun! Wednesday we got down and loaded out in the unbearable heat. Luckily they had the AC on inside so it was not as bad as it could have been. I think it was so hot they realized someone would die if the AC was completely off. After set up, … Read more

Off to Gen con

So the Aradani Crew is almost all finished packing and we are ready to hit the road to Gen Con Indy 2010. We will be in the exhibitors hall with costumes, and paul and I will be in the art show with plenty of art. Be sure to visit!