Hawke takes a dive…

or how a good costume dies.

So Laura and I were out getting some photos of my Dragon Age 2 Hawke costume when I thought it would be a good idea to get some action shots. Then looking down the hill, I though, “Hey I bet I could get some good speed if I ran down the hill.” Because a day after it rains it is the best idea in the world to making a running leap downhill in full armor with a 6′ polearm.

I look almost epic at first...
What I hoped to look like...


Hit the jump to see an animated version of me trying to make the jump…

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Starting to Chilly Down

So I know that many of you are aware that it takes some time for me to complete (or even start) projects, both costumes and artwork. Sometimes I need a little push, and with Missy working on her Junk Lady costume from Labyrinth, that got me going on my Firey costume. Finally!

Here are some early shots of the work on the head. The goal is to make a mask that is attached to a baseball helmet. I plan to wear a black hood, so that I can remove the head and if I stand with a dark background, it will look like I have no head!

I am building the framework for the mask out of 1/4 inch hardware cloth and Wireform sculpting mesh. I plan on sculpting over this with Crayola Model Magic.

I also made some eyeballs from ping pong balls. Missy and I had a eyeball painting session. We used acrylic paint as the base layer on ping pong balls. They were then coated with 2 ton epoxy to give them a creepy, realistic sheen. After coating with epoxy, I drew some fine details (veining, iris coloring) with Sharpie. I think did a second coating of epoxy over just the iris to create the bump of the cornea.

Being a Firey, I also designed a way to have the eyes light up.

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