In case you missed it on Conspyer, here is my con in review:

So here we are again. Back in Chattanooga.
I told one person at Con Nooga that I am in Chattanooga so much I need to buy a second house there. Con Nooga has always been a lot of fun and this year was no exception. Paul and I were the Artist Guests of Honor, so we got to design the poster for this year’s event. It is always cool to see my work on t-shirts, program books, and con badges. Plus everyone seemed to really respond well to my Frankencthulhu. Friday was the normal set up where we sit around all day in the Dealers Room, but a great thing about Con Nooga is the wide assortment of products and dealers in the room! You can follow this link to see a short list of some of the vendors from this year’s show. After the exhibitor hall closed, Paul and I joined some of our other artist friends in a panel about Artist Alleys. We tried mugging a few of the people as they walked in, but were quickly informed that the panel is about artists who work in the “artist alleys” at conventions. Leave it to us to get things wrong. It was a nice assortment of people, like horror artists Billy Tackett and Sam Flegal and fantasy artist Mark Helwig. We gave attendees a look at what it takes to be an artist, how to make a name for yourself, and general survival tips for the modern day art maker.
See more at conspyer by clicking here.