Dragoncon 2012 – Prepare for us to be in you.

Mike here.

Man what a week. My home studio is a complete wreck. Between Laura and I, we made four costumes in two weeks. The van is packed. To the top.  Paul’s car is filled to the top. World of Strange just dropped off a load of T-shirts for my booth (thanks to them for the rush order during such a busy time).

Tomorrow morning we leave for Atlanta.

I can’t wait to see everyone, drink your drinks (and share mine), sell some art and costumes, and then party all night. Laura, Paul and Missy will be down in the dealers room with any costuming you may need. I’ll be alone in the comic and pop art show, though Paul’s artwork will be right next door in the art show.

Can;t wait to see all (or any) of you in the big ATL.

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